Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flight Times

If everything is on time we will be leaving Orlando at 7:55 PM on Southwest and arrive at Midway at 9:45PM. The Flight number is 1175.

We're Back!

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We are currently back in Orlando spending some time at the Lennartson's relaxing and sharing fun memories. God was good to us and we are excited to share with you all the blessings, lessons, and love we experienced. We will be contacting family and loved ones tomorrow to let you know our flight times and when to be picked up. We are sad to leave but excited to come home! See you tomorrow.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celebrating the 4th in Haiti

Hello all

It's been a while since I have had internet available but we are at the orphanage today celebrating the 4th of July with the kids. We are looking forward to the BBQ today which will be a good change of pace from the usual rice and beans or peanut butter and jelly. Yesterday was an adventure attempting to take a trip to St. Marc. The bus broke down not far from our final destination and the remainder of the trip was a lot of waiting and a slow drive home in a temporarily repaired bus. However, we enjoyed seeing the countryside and the beautiful ocean. So far we have done prayer walks, VBS in a tent city, picked up trash and played with the kids in the orphanage. God has revealed much to us and is changing hearts. Thank you for your prayers and please pray that we will finish strong and in good health.

If you would like to see some photos you can visit the below link:

P.S. we are all safe and in good health :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In Haiti and Loving it

Its the second day in Haiti and we have seen much. It has been a pleasure to meet the people and children. They are in extremely difficult conditions but their smiles are constant and we are blessed to see the joy the people possess. Continue to pray for the YWAM team who have been here long and will be here long after we leave. We are all in good health and are excited to continue the work that God has for us.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day Two

Today was a full day of practicing dramas, planning VBS, writing our testimonies and learning about the History of Haiti. The team is anxious to get to Haiti but we have been using this time to grow as a team and share our stories with one another. Tomorrow we will be leaving around 5 Am to head to the airport for our flight to Haiti. Continue to pray that we will be attentive to the Spririt and his leading as we seek to learn and serve in PAP.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Good Start

We have arrived in Orlando and are off to a good start. We have had a full day of training and practicing dramas and are now winding down for the evening. Pray that tomorrow we will be fully energized and ready to continue preparing for Haiti. We have been blessed to have Mike and Sarah Lennartson as our group leaders and coordinators. We are in good hands and look forward to growing in our partnership with them.

Friday, June 25, 2010

And They're Off!

We will be heading to Orlando, Florida at 6:30 AM Saturday morning. We are scheduled to arrive in Orlando by 10 AM. Mike Lennartson will be there to greet us and take us to the YWAM location where we will be training and prepping for our time in Haiti. Please pray for smooth travels and a unifying experience in Orlando as we prepare for the work we will be doing.